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Sunday, May 25, 2008. Just one of those days. For those that take time out to visit my space, I sincerely apologize for the infrequent posting. back home to NYC! On to the topic at hand.
Let Me Tell You Something! Wednesday, July 14, 2010. Well, as surely as it was started it has ended. We were enjoying each other, we formed a relationship and then made the decision to move in together. Well we went through his birthday weekend as though things were normal and then a week later he confessed when I asked him again.
A blog that discusses a range of issues from an African-American gay male perspective. Tuesday, October 21, 2014. You can lose your livelihood in this state for simply being who you are, Sisson said. Those who were opposed, d.
This blog is dedicated to stuff that all DL men like. Friday, March 14, 2008. DL Men love NSA anything with men. You know why? We love this because we can always cut the strings. DL men can and probably will never be able to combine being DL as well and handle anything that requires attachment.
Monday, February 25, 2008. Showing posts with label black gay pride. Showing posts with label black gay pride. Saturday, February 23, 2008. Just Not With One Another. He has supported me and kind of stood by me as most of the so-called elite self-congratulatory click within the black gay blogosphere has wrote me off as a joke.
Spinning on the Turntables of Life. The life and times, ups and downs of a black gay brotha in NYC looking for love and prosperity , I think. Friday, August 01, 2008. You are the best example of how you want to be treated. I didnt have much to say I just wanted to share that quote. Monday, July 28, 2008. Adendum to the previous post. Thursday, July 24, 2008. I remember when you filled my heart with joy. To the truth just there to fill the space. Cause now you have no interest in anything I have to say.
Beiträge werden zum Teil in Deutsch, zum Teil auf Englisch geschrieben. Personal Productivity and Knowledge Management. Posts will be written in German or English. Thursday, February 19, 2009. How I am using FriendFeed.
Emo - Punk - Goth - Screamo. Emo - Punk - Goth - Screamo. Around 2004 this look began to get popular. The first major strain was on Xanga and it was called Electrikk. The next major strain came in 2005 and moved over to MySpace. These kids have mad confidence.
PENGERTIAN DAN RUANG LINGKUP ILMU SOSIAL. 1 Ilmu alamiah adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang alam, yang berhubungan lingkungan alam seperti fisika, kimia, biologi,astronomi, botani dll. 2 Ilmu Sosial adalah ilmu yang mempelajari sosial manusia di lingkungan sekitar seperti sosiologi, ekonomi, politik, antropologi sejarah, psikologi, geogrofi dll. 3 Ilmu budaya adalah ilmu yang mempelajari adat istiadat atau kebiasaan hidup manusia di suatu wilayah seperti bahasa, agama, kesusastraan, kesenian dll.