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Eu, de la mic la mare! Există viaţă şi singur? Pe vremea bunicii să fii singur după ce îţi făceai buletinul era văzut ca un handicap de către societate. Acum, singuratatea a ajuns un mod de viaţă, o modalitate de a trăi fără reguli, de a te simţi tânăr şi neîngrădit. Cel puţin, la exterior. De ce simţim nevoia de multe ori să fim singuri? Atunci cum să ne mai gândim să trecem peste adulter, peste abuzuri sau peste dependenţa de alcool? Cunoaşteti cupluri cu adevărat fericite? Big girl in a big world.
The Art of Theodora Daniela Capăt. Fine Art and Commercial Art. American Portrait Society Certificate of Excellence Awarded.
observing, drawing,painting and sewing and writing. Friday, August 14, 2015. I will be moving to Canberra shortly. It is like for me to return home as I spent most of my adult life there. Monday, August 10, 2015. I added more of the Button tags. I had the best time preparing these tags. Why had I not done this sooner? It is totally what I love to do.
Everyday small angel and flakes are temp out of stock. Be inspired by the individual style of the creative designer Barbara Smith. Working under Theodora Cleave label. wherever your creative spirit takes you. santas , angels, deers, trees etc. Come on in and have a look! .